Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I love computers and I want to know what books I should read to learn more? I would like to have a .

...job in computers but what?

I love computers and I want to know what books I should read to learn more? I would like to have a ...?free spyware remover

I poked around on Amazon a bit, and found a few books,

this one looks like a fun dive into programming concepts:

and from there I found a great list of books.

By the way, when you start looking at schools, it helps to know what you enjoy. Here's a few majors, and the jobs they usually end up doing. (from

Information Technology - the "user's advocate," including networking, technology integration and deployment and other areas such as web development

Software Engineering - Apply engineering concepts, techniques, and methods, particularly design and process methodology to the development of software systems.

Computer Science - a software inventor - understand the process used to build, extend, and maintain software as well as general design principles.

Networking, Security, and Systems Administration - designers, implementers, and operators of computing networks and networked systems (both clients and servers).

computer engineering - designing computer hardware, components and software, developing next-generation products and appliances that contain embedded systems

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