Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I need info on personal computers....?

i have to write a 3 minute long essay on personal computers. could anyone provide me with some information on them like how much of the market microsoft currently controls-how much apple controls, info on linux ubuntu, windows vista and mac os x leopard. any information on anything about personal computers would be greatly appreciated

I need info on personal computers....?triumph

This gives statistical information on what percentage of people are using the Windows and Mac operating systems.

It show a pie chart as well as the number of people using XP, Vista, and Mac systems.

I need info on personal computers....?worms

M$ windowz is (monopoly) crap. Mac is too busy with their I stuff to be any good anymore, linux is on it's way up!

write "info on linux ubuntu"in search box or anything what do you want, then press enter
Ubuntu Linux is a version of Linux that is easily one of the most popular and is one of the only free versions that has a CD that can be shipped to the consumer, Ubuntu Linux also comes with Open Office pre-installed. Open Office is an open source Microsoft Office. And Ubuntu features multiple desktops. I use to use it.

Windows Vista is the newest Operating System from Microsoft and was late in development being the most spaced apart realease of operating systems (WinXP-WinVista) Vista features many security, accessibility, and, productivity advances, and features DirectX 10, The newest 3D graphic rendering system, which is requires for new PC games. I have Windows Vista.

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