Monday, August 17, 2009

HELP! My computers won't detect my Zen Vision M Mp3 Player!!?

Okay, so when I connect my player to either of my computers via USB neither comp will detect the player in any way shape or form!!! Please Help!

HELP! My computers won't detect my Zen Vision M Mp3 Player!!?norton 360

The software installed presently is not to catch Zen version of MP3. So upgrade, install another which can recognise Zen version.

HELP! My computers won't detect my Zen Vision M Mp3 Player!!?photoshop

Make sure its fully charged 4 to 6 hours

reinstall software

Make sure you have windows xp(service pack 2) - free /sp2 Microsoft

Go to web site to download the lattes firmware and updates - support* knowledge base* forum*
if its new i hasnt been able to charge up yet so dont worry. if youve had it for a while you should fone up customer services

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